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Features in Future Releases

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Please let us know what features you would like to see in AQT! 
  • if you currently use AQT, let us know what extra features you would most find useful.
  • if you evaluated AQT but found that it didn't do what you wanted... let us know what that was and we will think about incorporating such features in a future release.

All feedback is appreciated. 

We are currently planning to build a point release every month, with new features and bug fixes, plus a major new release every 6 to 9 months.

Version 5.1 - released on 4 June 2002.

In Version 5.1 we have added:

  • the ability to have connections to multiple databases from one AQT session.
  • you will be able to have multiple Table/Query display windows open at the same time
  • in addition you will be able to have multiple Run SQL and GUI Query Builder windows open
  • you will be able to run a GUI query without exising the Query Builder window
  • more options with the Compare Tables feature
Version 4.2.7 - released February 25th 2002.

  • This release fixes a number of miscellaneous bugs. See readme.txt for details
Version 4.2.6 - released February 4th 2002.

  • A couple of urgent fixes in relation to the display of DECIMAL / NUMBER columns
  • You can now display an unlimited number of rows
Version 4.2.5 - released January 28th 2002.

A number of bugs were fixed:

  • Write LOBs to Files did not work for unregistered users. Corrected.
  • A number of other bugs fixes with Write LOBs to Files and Load LOBs from external Files
  • Sybase decimal columns now have the lengths reporting correctly.
  • Print Data no longer overlays text when a column contains linefeed characters
  • For DB2/UDB we have improved the way we display User and Group authorities. AQT will now display the correct results when there is a User and Group with the same name.
  • The positions of a number of windows are saved and reestablised when the window is next opened (previously many windows opened centered in your screen).
  • Date / Timestamp values earlier than 100 A.D. are now displayed correctly.
Version 4.2.4 - released December 11th 2001.

New features:

  • BLOB/CLOB values can now be loaded from an external file. This provides a very easy mechanism for loading BLOBs into your database.
  • BLOB/CLOB values can be written to files; this allows the full LOB value to be retrieved from the database. Mechanisms are provided to display the LOB using an external application.
A few bugs were fixed:
  • Timestamp columns sometimes had the decimal part displayed incorrectly
  • error displaying a table with more than 50 date columns.
  • Compare Tables treated TIMESTAMP,TIMESTMP and CHARACTER,CHAR as different types.
Version 4.2 - released August 20th 2001.

In Version 4.2 we have rewritten large amounts of AQT to use native ODBC calls, rather than using Visual Basic's RDO interface. While this is largely an internal change, it gives:

  • improved reliably. A number of niggling bugs (mainly related to the display of large columns) have been removed.
  • ability to display large columns (CLOBs and BLOBs)
  • correct display of timestamp columns for DB2, Sybase, SQL Server (previously these got truncated)
In addition this release has:
  • support for Informix
  • the window for running of SQL Scripts (eg. a large number of SQL statements) has been redone. This will now show you all the statements in your script before you run it; you are able to start at a particular point, and bypass particular statements.
  • GUI Query Builder has increased limits (up to 20 tables, 20 joins, 200 Where clauses).
  • Run SQL remembers the last 10 tables used and the last 10 queries retrieved/saved.
  • We've finally bowed to public demand and increased the number of rows in a query to 100,000 (just don't complain to us if your machine runs out of memory).
Version 6 (scheduled for the end of 2002)

With this version we will add a lot more DBA features to AQT:

  • Manage Objects Ability to do things with tables (and other objects). For instance create, drop, define index, foreign key etc. As with other components of AQT, this will be customisable and driven from config files. This allows a great deal of flexibility, and the ability to offer many options with little effort.
  • Generate DDL will be extended to generate full DDL, including indexes, primary keys, table relationships, procedures, triggers etc.
  • Table Compare will be extended to compare more than just the table definition. It will also compare other aspects of a table - indexes, primary keys etc
  • Navigate through related tables. This will be an awesome feature. Once you have displayed a row, this will allow you to show the related rows in another table. For instance, if you are displaying the Customer details, a popup menu will show you what other tables are related to this (eg. Order Details). Selecting this will show you all the Orders for the customer. You will then be able to link through to the Order Lines etc.
Some of these features may be delivered as extra-purchaseable features (we haven't decided on this yet).

  Hits since 16 Jan 2000